24th April 2013: Sickness

It's not hard to identify that I get ill quite a bloody lot and of course it's a problem when it comes to Let's Playing because it brings everything to a halt. Now why does this happen? Well, most of the time whatever I come down with will effect my voice in some manner or form so recording is a no go, as for editing previously recorded stuff, I simply don't have the attention span for it in an ill state thus refuse to do any in fear that the result may be regrettable later.

So what can be done about this? Well, nothing sorry, aside perhaps take more vitamins and see the doctor more regularly. I do spend a lot of time moping around the concept that I'm unable to do Let's Playing when I could well be working on improving something related to it... so I just need to keep that in mind for whenever I do fall ill again?

1 comment:

  1. On the topic of vitamins, I get mine from Myprotein.com as they sell in bulk at cheap prices.

